We are a new company built, essentially, on the Old World ethos of
my grandmother: Make
it from scratch… and with loving care.
Her name was Domenica,— “Sunday” in Italian—
and for whom our company is named. This was done not only to
honor her, but by extension, all the hardworking emigrants who came
to America with little more than a dream, and
left in its place a legacy; one so rich and with many stories to
Our logo incorporates a line drawing translation
of the Edward Hopper painting, Early Sunday Morning. It is not only
kind of play on our name, but suggests a certain poetic sensibility,
in itself. Perhaps, something along the lines of…
quiet moment on a day of rest
the world has awakened
reflect on all the good hard work
has been done thus far.
And indeed, poetry is the foundation and the initial
raison d’etre for this company. I wanted to publish some of
poetry I had written in the dozen years or so since ’91, when
at the age of 46, I had written my first poem. The
inspiration had come from watching our six year old daughter, toting
her cumbersome backpack, in the short walk
from the car to her class…one early Monday morning,
if you will.
But I also wanted a kind of book of poems, that I
had never really seen before.
Most poetry is written for other poets…not
other people. Sad but true. And often in a mind numbing format of
after-poem” in similar: length, style, tone and subject matter.
While the result may be of high literary value, and
perhaps praised in academic circles, it is often daunting to the
more general and yet intelligent reader. And in the course of its
typical 80 page run, the book will invariably be
unaccompanied by any illustration or sense of graphic design, along
the way. As if to do so would somehow diminish
the poetry itself.
With my first collection of poems— Shots
From A Passing Car— coming from a place 180° from
that which was just
described, I felt it would be tough to find a publisher to “make”
my kind of book. So I did what my grandmother
would do. I made it from scratch… and with loving care. I
got the book, I not only wanted, but needed. And in so
doing… a company was born.
So going forward, and to paraphrase a line from Emma
Lazarus’ famous poem:
me your tired, your poor,
huddled manuscripts yearning to breathe free

Publisher and Editor: Domenica Press
For further profile information, click here http://www.domenicapress.com/html/primo.htm.